Cutting-edge software development solutions

Industries are joining the digital revolution with the help of our top-notch software development solutions.

The right talent

To succeed in the digital age, businesses need more than just technology - they need a software development company they can trust. At BySix, we are committed to building lasting relationships by combining expert knowledge with skilled talent in software engineering and IT consulting.


Software engineering

In the world of digital innovation, having a software development company specialized in software engineering who understands a company's unique needs is crucial. That's where BySix comes in, with qualified technical talent and expertise in bespoke software development services.

IT Consulting

Leverage BySix’s strategic IT consulting to navigate complex IT landscapes, ensuring your projects in software engineering are expertly guided from concept to execution.


Top-notch software engineering is critical for successful development cycles. At BySix we extend existing software development teams with the necessary value to thrive.

Software Development

Rely on our software engineering expertise to ensure long-lasting software development solutions, tailored to meet your needs and requirements, with support at every stage.

We've been delivering quality


Slot Booking


Mobile driver


Customer portal


Audi digital marketing


Volkswagen digital presence


Skoda digital reach




Digital media hub


Media communication

Slot Booking

Slot Booking, software development solution

Project's summary

Slot Booking is a SupplyStack software development solution, developed and managed at BySix, through the software development service, and used by the most prominent players in the Logistics industry. The platform provides real-time management and visibility on the load and unload of vehicles, providing weekly schedules for locations and facilities, real-time slot booking and automated slot assignment.

IndustryTeam sizeDurationBudget
Logistics 5 24 months 400.000€

You're probably wondering what are our main strengths?

Our engineers employ the latest software development technologies, frameworks, and tools to create solutions that combine a strong technical back-end with easy to use modern design.

Hire lead experts in software development solutions

Access qualified technical talent, from software engineers to UI/UX specialists, and integrate them into your processes to enhance your company's operational efficiency. Our software development company ensures your team is empowered by the best in the field.

We're people centric, driven by engineering focus

Our culture is unique. We turn events into team gatherings and technical courses into knowledge-sharing moments. Our software development team feel like a united family through real human connections.

Let's meet tomorrow

We find that the best way to discuss the specific expectations and requirements of our clients' software development projects is by meeting with them in person.

Bernardo Resende

Bernardo Resende

Head of Operations
Daniela Marques

Daniela Marques

Head of Human Resources
Vanessa Pereira

Vanessa Pereira

Business Manager
Pedro Pinto

Pedro Pinto

Business Manager
Ricardo Vagarinho

Ricardo Vagarinho

Business Manager
Luisa Pereira

Luisa Pereira

Business Manager

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How is AI revolutionizing the software development industry?

How is AI revolutionizing the software development industry?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been transforming various industries, and the software development industry is no exception. From automating repetitive tasks to enhancing the accuracy of software testing, AI plays a crucial role at every stage of the software development lifecycle. This article explores how AI is revolutionizing the software development industry. Automating coding  One of the most impacted areas by AI is the automation of coding. AI tools like GitHub Copilot use advanced language models to suggest lines of code or even entire blocks of code to developers. This not only increases efficiency but also reduces the likelihood of human errors. The ability of AI to analyze large codebases and suggest improvements can significantly speed up the development process. Intelligent software testing  Software testing is a crucial part of development, ensuring that products are released error-free. AI is revolutionizing this area by automating the creation and execution of tests. AI-based testing tools can generate test cases, identify bugs, and even predict areas susceptible to failures. Moreover, they can adapt and evolve with the software, making testing more efficient and effective. Predictive maintenance  AI can predict when and where software might fail, allowing for proactive rather than reactive maintenance. Machine learning algorithms analyze usage and performance patterns to identify warning signs before problems occur. This approach not only reduces downtime but also minimizes the costs associated with software maintenance. Personalized software development  AI is making it possible to create highly personalized and adaptable software to meet specific user needs. By analyzing large volumes of user data, AI can suggest features and improvements that better meet customer requirements. This level of personalization results in more effective products and higher customer satisfaction. Virtual assistants for developers  AI-powered virtual assistants, such as technical support chatbots and coding assistants, are helping developers solve problems in real time. These assistants can answer questions, suggest solutions, and even help debug code, improving productivity and reducing the time needed to resolve issues. Code analysis and debugging  AI-based code analysis tools can identify patterns that indicate potential errors or security vulnerabilities. By analyzing large amounts of code, these tools can offer recommendations to optimize performance and security. Additionally, AI can assist in debugging by identifying the root cause of issues more efficiently than traditional methods. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)  AI is optimizing CI/CD pipelines, making them smarter and more effective. Machine learning algorithms can predict integration failures and suggest fixes before problems become critical. This results in faster development cycles and higher quality products.   Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the software development industry in profound and meaningful ways. By automating tasks, improving testing accuracy, predicting failures, and personalizing products, AI is redefining what is possible in software development. As we continue to explore and expand the capabilities of AI, we can expect to see even more innovations that drive efficiency, quality, and creativity in the software development industry.

Understanding the differences between nearshore, offshore, outsourcing, and consulting

Understanding the differences between nearshore, offshore, outsourcing, and consulting

In the globalized business environment, companies often seek external expertise and services to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and focus on core competencies. Terms like nearshore, offshore, outsourcing, and consulting are frequently used, but they refer to distinct strategies. This article will clarify these concepts and highlight their key differences. Nearshore Nearshoring involves outsourcing business processes or services to companies in nearby countries. The goal is to take advantage of geographical proximity, cultural similarities, and time zone alignment. Advantages:     - Easier communication due to similar time zones.     - Cultural and language similarities can reduce misunderstandings.     - Shorter travel times for in-person meetings.Disadvantages:     - Cost savings may be less significant compared to offshore outsourcing.     - Potential for fewer available skills and resources than offshore locations. Offshore Offshoring involves relocating business processes or services to companies in distant countries, often in different continents. The primary motivation is usually cost reduction. Advantages:     - Significant cost savings due to lower labor costs.     - Access to a larger talent pool and specialized skills.     - Ability to operate around the clock due to different time zones.Disadvantages:     - Communication challenges due to time zone differences and language barriers.     - Potential cultural differences that can affect collaboration.     - Longer travel times for in-person meetings. Outsourcing  Outsourcing is the practice of contracting external organizations to handle certain business functions or services, which can be either nearshore or offshore. Advantages:     - Focus on core business activities by delegating non-core functions.     - Access to specialized expertise and advanced technologies.     - Flexibility in scaling operations up or down as needed. Disadvantages:     - Potential loss of control over outsourced functions.     - Quality concerns if the provider does not meet expectations.     - Dependency on the external provider for critical business functions. Consulting  Consulting involves hiring external experts to provide advice and solutions on specific business challenges or projects. Consultants typically offer strategic guidance rather than ongoing operational support. Advantages:     - Access to high-level expertise and best practices.     - Objective insights and fresh perspectives on business problems.     - Flexible engagement models (short-term or long-term). Disadvantages:     - High costs for expert consulting services.     - Recommendations may not always be practical or feasible to implement.     - Risk of reliance on external advice without building internal capabilities. Overview  Understanding the differences between nearshore, offshore, outsourcing, and consulting is essential for making informed decisions about how to leverage external resources effectively. Each approach has its unique benefits and challenges, and the right choice depends on the specific needs and goals of the business.

Insights from BySix's CEO: steering the company towards the future

Insights from BySix's CEO: steering the company towards the future

Interview with Miguel Veloso, BySix's CEO 1. What are the main objectives BySix aims to achieve by the end of 2024?  For us, there are timeless objectives and others that are short and medium-term. I'll start with those that are short and medium-term. Since 2023, BySix has been reinventing, professionalizing, and enhancing its management areas. To this end, at the beginning of 2023, we rebranded, began the path to obtaining the ISO9001 certification, which attests to our management capabilities, and revisited all processes in every area involved in our business. It was the year of the least growth since our founding, slightly below 50%, but still surpassing the forecasts set during the first quarter of the year. For 2024, we envisioned something different, investing in satellite areas, which are no less important, with the creation of a marketing department. This area has helped us not only promote the brand but also establish it better in the market, revisiting all our communication. We now have the possibility to communicate better, be clearer, and with our usual transparency, reflect all the work we have been doing with our partners. We are also aware of the changing market paradigm; our clients and potential clients have become much more meticulous in their choice of partners and collaborators in recent years, and we believe we are up to the challenge, aiming to forge new relationships and continue growing at the same level as previous years. Being accustomed to growing every year, it is imperative to state that this must be one of BySix's timeless objectives. However, we must not only aim to grow but also have well-established foundations to do so sustainably. 2. What are BySix's main target markets, and how are they being approached?  Some sectors, such as logistics, automotive, and finance, were fundamental pillars in our founding and growth. BySix, with its immense accumulated know-how in these areas, has also been an integral part of the engine for several companies in these markets. In recent years, we have also been approaching other sectors and are beginning to feel comfortable navigating them both technically and in terms of business. Since 2022, we have expanded into and learned more about sectors such as retail, hospitality, telecommunications, and energy, reaching 2024 with the certainty that we are also an added value for our partners in these areas. A large portion of our development and consultancy services are exported (between 80% to 90%), but we can apply much of the experience we have gained in any country, naturally respecting the nuances and rules that each country imposes. I would be proud to state the opposite—that 80% to 90% of our work is developed nationally—because that would mean we are part of the national technological growth. Our approach will continue to be the same: we will work to embrace challenges where we are confident we are the ideal partner and an added value for the client and the sector they belong to, regardless of their nationality and location. One thing is certain, we will always be transparent and honest, as that is the foundation of a quality and long-term relationship. 3. What are the main differences between BySix and its competitors?  BySix is characterized by a culture of proximity and trust. It may seem like just another pleasant phrase to read that all our competitors use, but we truly foster closeness among all employees, regardless of their hierarchical level. Before founding BySix, I was involved in several international projects, dominated by Nordic culture, where the demands ranged from technical aspects to leadership. However, some of the various guiding principles I most appreciated were the trust they placed in each other's work and the relentless pursuit of evolution and learning. If we combine Nordic culture with the warmer side of Latin culture, i.e., empathy, concern for others, closeness, and our fearless attitude, we end up with the foundations that, in my opinion, create the ideal place to work. Therefore, besides our extreme technical capability, which is a given due to the essence of our company, BySix stands out for its closeness, trust, self-criticism, and fearlessness—this is how we can successfully face the challenges we set for ourselves, with the excellence that our clients and employees demand. 4. How has BySix adapted to market changes and trends?  In recent years, probably the most significant change we have observed is related to the balance between professional and personal life and the demands this brings not only organizationally but also in terms of security. Until 2019, all our employees worked on-site, already with the necessary flexibility to cooperate remotely when needed. The pandemic years did not bring anything new to us regarding the work regime, and we already felt prepared for both remote and hybrid work, with this adaptation occurring very naturally. We established, in agreement with our teams, that hybrid work is the best fit for our reality. Often, I am asked, "why not fully remote?" and the explanation is simple: we want to continue fostering our culture, working, and having fun together. Thus, being together one or two times a week does not necessarily mean sacrificing balance—it means helping to maintain it, because, whether we like it or not, friendships are also formed at work, and these are bridges between personal and professional fields. 5. In which specific areas of our operation do you see the greatest need for growth or improvement?  I cannot and should not isolate one specific area. We have the necessary humility to state that all areas should be reviewed, reinvented, and improved whenever necessary, whether in terms of processes, technical aspects, or even the number of human resources. The job market and our sector are constantly changing. "Small" novelties, such as the significant advancement of artificial intelligence in recent years, have changed our perspective in an instant, creating countless opportunities technically, structurally, and behaviorally. I will give a small example: a few years ago, we had to conduct numerous technical validations as a first screening of candidates for our vacancies. Currently, the entire first line of screening is done with artificial intelligence; the ATS platform we currently use automatically transforms and analyzes candidates' resumes, greatly facilitating the work of the recruitment team. However, there are some identified areas where we want to continue improving, such as in talent monitoring and retention. Not because we are not doing it, but because in a competitive market like ours, it is necessary to stay at the forefront so that all employees can make this journey together. The sentiment of a "job for life" no longer exists as it used to, but we know that the best asset is inside our doors, not outside.

Strengthening corporate cybersecurity: trends and practices

Strengthening corporate cybersecurity: trends and practices

In today's digital landscape, cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent. For businesses, this means cybersecurity measures must constantly evolve to protect critical assets, sensitive data, and business continuity. In this article, we explore emerging trends and advanced practices shaping corporate cybersecurity. 1. Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)   Zero Trust Architecture is an approach that assumes no entity, internal or external, is trusted by default. Implementing ZTA involves:     - Continuous verification: Access is continuously verified rather than just at the initial entry point.     - Micro-segmentation: Dividing the network into smaller segments to limit lateral movement of threats.     - Strict access control: Policies based on identity and context, such as user location and behavior. 2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity  AI and Machine Learning are revolutionizing how we detect and respond to cyber threats:     - Anomaly detection: Analyzing large volumes of data to identify unusual behaviors.     - Automated response: Automated scripts to instantly respond to common incidents, reducing reaction time.     - Predictive analysis: Forecasting potential attack vectors based on historical attack patterns. 3. Cloud Security: Protecting Hybrid Environments  With the increasing adoption of cloud solutions, securing these environments is crucial:     - Secure configurations: Ensuring default cloud configurations are altered to enhance security.     - CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker) tools: Monitoring and managing the use of cloud services to ensure compliance and security.     - Data encryption: Implementing encryption both in transit and at rest. 4. Incident Response and Recovery Plans  Preparation and response capability are critical in the event of cyber incidents:     - Incident Response Teams (IRT): Dedicated teams to handle security breaches and mitigate damage.     - Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP): Clear procedures to restore critical operations in the event of significant attacks.     - Simulations and training: Regularly conducting attack simulations to train staff and test the effectiveness of response plans. 5. Compliance and Regulations   Businesses must be aware of and comply with cybersecurity regulations:     - GDPR, LGPD, and other laws: Adapting privacy and security policies to meet legal requirements.     - Regular audits and assessments: Conducting periodic evaluations to ensure continuous compliance.   Corporate cybersecurity is not just a matter of technology but also strategy and organizational culture. Adopting a proactive and integrated approach can help businesses protect themselves against evolving threats. Invest in training, advanced technology, and robust policies to strengthen your organization's cyber resilience.